
Posted by Jason Wee on Sunday, September 13, 2009

Okay as you can see in the chatbox, Ian has agreed to his house! But now, not only 1 person is banned, but 2 =.=

Anyway, yes for FOOD! Options :

  1. Potluck - Everybody brings a dish
  2. Pizza / Unhealthy fattening food party - Everybody contributes money and buy lots of pizza and fries and you get the idea.
  3. Catering - Contributes money to order choice of cuisine. Which I don't think it's well for us la :D
So yes, basically those are the options. So, I will be setting up a poll >)

Okay lah, so we set a estimation date, time and place.

Ian's house.
6.30pm till 9.30pm
18th December - Friday night

Oh yes, and please RSVP on the Cbox by around 1st November (LOLOLOL).


Christmas gifts!

Takkan everybody give everybody 1 right?! So to make it simpler, everybody bring 3 presents, and each person will get 3 names to give those presents to. So everybody would give 3 presents, and recieve 3 presents!

Anything else? ;)